Lecture Notes

Prof. Merat's Spring 2004 Lecture Notes:

Lecture 1 (1/12 - course outline and information.
Lecture 2 (1/14 - units; engr notation; electrical quantities.
Lecture 3 (1/16) - measuring voltage and current; i-v characteristics; resistors; Ohm's Law.
Lecture 4 (1/21) - more circuit elements: switches, voltage sources, current sources.
Lecture 5 (1/23) - KCL and KVL; introduction to using element constraints and connection constraints to solve for circuit voltages and currents.
Lecture 6 (1/26) - examples of combined constraints; assigning reference marks; equivalent circuits — combinations of series and parallel resistances.
Lecture 7 (1/28) - equivalent resistances; equivalent sources and source transformations.
Lecture 8 (1/30) - voltage and current dividers.
Lecture 9 (2/2) - fuses; examples of circuit reducation.
Lecture 10 (2/4) - computer analysis of circuits; node voltage technique; Wheatstone bridge and balanced-T examples.
Lecture 11 (2/6) - Cramer's method of solving systems of linear equations; how to deal with voltage sources in node voltage analysis.
Lecture 12 (2/9) - mesh current technique; how to deal with current sources in mesh current analysis.
Lecture 13 (2/11) - linear circuits; constant of proportionality; unit output technique.
Lecture 14 (2/13) - turning voltage and current sources OFF; superposition.
Lecture 15 (2/16) - Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits; how to determine Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuit parameters.
Lecture 16 (2/18) - Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits; load lines; maximum power transfer.
Lecture 17 (2/20) - Design considerations for interface circuits; series, parallel and L-sections; intro to dependent sources.
Transistor Lecture - Section 4.3, the transistor. We will not cover this material in this course..
Lecture 18 (2/23) - Dependent sources; writing loop and node equations for circuits with dependent sources.
Lecture 19 (2/25) - Thevenin equivalent circuits for circuits with dependent sources; introduction to the OP AMP.
Lecture 20 (2/27) - OP AMPS: non-inverting amplifier; inverting amplifier.
Lecture 21 (3/1) - OP AMPS: summing amplifier; subtracting amplifier; voltage follower.
Lecture 22 (3/3) - OP AMPS: voltage follower and maximum available power; circuits with multiple nodes and/or multiple OP AMPS.
Lecture 23 (3/5) - OP AMPS: comparator. Introduction to instrumentation systems.
Lecture 24 (3/15) - Instrumentation systems; transducer characteristics.
Lecture 25 (3/17) - Basic waveforms: impulse, unit step, unit ramp. Exponential waveform and time constant. Basic sinusoidal waveforms.
Lecture 26 (3/19) - Sinusoidal measurements: peak, peak-peak. Fourier representation of sinusoids. Average power and rms measurements.
Lecture 27 (3/24) - Basic inductors and capacitors; power and energy considerations in inductors and capacitors.
Lecture 28 (3/26) - Implementing integrators and differentiations using OP AMPs and capacitors.
Lecture 29 (3/29) - Integrators/differentiator block diagrams; capacitors/indictors in series and parallel; steady-state behavior of capacitors and inductors.
Lecture 30 (3/31) - First order linear differential equations for circuits (7.1); superposition of homogeneous (transient) and forced solutions (7.2); forced sinusoidal solution of first order differential equations (7.4); introduction to phasors (8.1).
Lecture 31 (4/2) - Introduction to phasors (8.1); the Euler identity; graphical interpretation of phasors as vectors; addition and differentiation of vectors; examples of converting sinusoids to phasors.
Lecture 32 (4/5) - Using phasors to add voltages and currents; derivatives of phasors; impedance; analyzing simple circuit using Ohm's Law, KCL and KVL for phasors.
Lecture 33 (4/7) - Using phasors to analyze more complex circuits; introduction to filters.
Lecture 34 (4/9) - Frequency response; Bode diagrams (12.1) .
Lecture 35 (4/12) - Frequency response examples (12.2).
Lecture 36 (4/14) - More frequency response examples (12.2). A typo (R1 INSTEAD OF R2) was corrected in this lecture on 4/18.
Lecture 37 (4/16) - Cascade and parallel connections of filters; bandpass and notch filters (12.3).
Lecture 38 (4/19) - Step response; state variables and zero-input response (7.1, 7.2).
Lecture 39 (4/21) - Zero-input response examples; writing differential equations using state variables — Thevenizing the circuit, combining inductors and capacitors, combining initial conditions (7.2).
Lecture 40 (4/23) - Superposition of step and zero-input responses; time constants for RC and RL circuits; initial and final values (7.2).
Lecture 41 (4/26) - Writing time dependent responses using initial and final values and time constant; time dependent responses for circuit variables other than state-variables (7.3).
Lecture X (x/xx) - Unused lecture notes: Section 7.5 Series RLC circuits.