EECS 490: Fall 2004


Because these materials are copyrighted you should use them only for this course and not distribute them in any way.

Digital Image Processing USING MATLAB®

Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods and Steven L. Eddins, Prentice-Hall, 2004. This is a specialized version of our textbook with very comprehensive and detailed explanations of MATLAB implementation of image processing algorithms.

Castleman: Digital Image Processing

Kenneth R. Castleman, Prentice-Hall, 1995, ISBN 0-13-211467-4. Well written textbook which has more of an emphasis on linear systems than our textbook.

Haralick and Shapiro: Computer and Robot Vision, Volume I

Robert M. Haralick and Linda G. Shapiro, Addison-Wesley, 1992, ISBN 0-201-10877-1. Robert Haralick is one on the most prolific authors in the image processing/computer vision research area. This is the first volume of a very comprehensive two-volume set on computer vision and its applications. This book is now very hard to find. Linda Shapiro has also written a newer computer vision textbook.

Computer Vision

Dana H. Ballard and Christopher M. Brown, Prentice-Hall, 1982, ISBN 0-165316-4. This is a relatively old book but it has some good chapters on image acquisition and the mathematics of image processing although the descriptions of the technology are rather dated.

Introduction to Fourier Optics

Joseph W. Goodman, McGraw-Hill, 1968, ISBN 07-023776-X. This is the oldest book in this set of references and has an intimidating title which does not seem relevant to image processing. However, it has an excellent explanation of two dimensional Fourier transforms and their properties.

Industrial Robotics: Computer Interfacing and Control

Wesley E. Snyder, Prentice-Hall, 1985, ISBN 0-13-463159-5. This is an older book which has some good chapters on motors, sensors, and image processing.

Image Deskewing

Some selected journal and conference papers to help you get started on the document image processing project.

Face Recognition

Some selected journal and conference papers to help you get started on the face recognition project.

Chocolate Chips

Some selected journal and conference papers to help you get started on the chip counting project.

Misc. References

Selected journal and conference papers.

Visual Object Recognition and Tracking System (VORTS)

This vision tracking system was implemented by Kevin Briggman (senior project) and Tom Lorimor (MS project in CE). The goal of this project was to develop a computationally simple algorithm for a mobile robot that could track and follow another robot (called the drone). This system was implemented using the EECS 375 68HC11 platform for both robots, a Connectix low resolution color camera with a serial interface, and a 386 single board computer with RAM disk for image processing.

Created: 2004-8-18. Last Modified: 2004-11-24