I will typically pass out solutions in class.
Several students indicated they had trouble finding tables of integrals and derivitives to do their exam and hw problems. I have provided a scanned table for you. It probably has more integrals than you ever wanted -- about 600 of them!
Several students indicated they wanted a formula sheet for the exams. This formula sheet covers chapters 1-4 and is still under construction.
Here is a short reference on the mathematical properties of Bessel functions as they apply to electromagnetic fields.
Several authors have begun putting extensive note sets and even complete textbooks on line. Some of these are quite useful.
This text provides a broad and applications-oriented introduction
to electromagnetic waves and antennas. Current interest in these areas
is driven by the growth in wireless and fiber-optic communications,
information technology, and materials science
The text is organized around three main topic areas:
* The propagation, reflection, and transmission of plane waves, and
the analysis and design of multilayer films.
* Waveguides, transmission lines, impedance matching, and S-parameters.
* Linear and aperture antennas, scalar and vector diffraction theory,
antenna array design, and coupled antennas.
The text emphasizes connections to other subjects.
The text makes extensive use of MATLAB. We have developed an "Electromagnetic Waves & Antennas" toolbox containing 130 MATLAB functions for carrying out all of the computations and simulation examples in the text. Code segments illustrating the usage of these functions are found throughout the book, and serve as a user manual.
This is an set of brief notes about electromagnetic waves beginning with a review of basic fields and covering electromagnetic waves, polarization, reflection and transmission, parallel plate waveguides, slab waveguides, rectangular and cylindrical waveguides, and resonators. It is accompanied by an excellent set of Java Applets which can be manipulated to better understand the material.
This is an set of notes about electromagnetic waves beginning with a review of basic fields and covering electromagnetic waves, polarization, reflection and transmission, parallel plate waveguides, slab waveguides, rectangular and cylindrical waveguides, and resonators. It is accompanied by an excellent set of Java Applets which can be manipulated to better understand the material.
This is a nice set of basic e&m formulas.
This is a similar note set for pulses on transmission lines.
MATLAB programs for various fields problems. This is for Kraus & Fleisch, Electromagnetics with Applications, 5th Edition, an excellent fields textbook.
Here is an e&m formula sheet from MIT's 6.013 class.
Check out MIT's 6.630 Electromagnetics course. They have a number of MATLAB scripts for waveguides, transmission lines and other useful electromagnetics applications.