
interface MatlabInteractor

Interacts with a session of MATLAB.

Author:Joshua Kaplan



public void eval(String command)

Evaluates a command in MATLAB. This is equivalent to MATLAB’s eval('command').

  • command – the command to be evaluated in MATLAB


public void feval(String functionName, Object... args)

Calls a MATLAB function with the name functionName, returning the result. Arguments to the function may be provided as args, but are not required if the function needs no arguments. The function arguments will be converted into MATLAB equivalents as appropriate. Importantly, this means that a String will be converted to a MATLAB char array, not a variable name.

  • functionName – the name of the MATLAB function to call
  • args – the arguments to the function


public Object getVariable(String variableName)

Gets the value of variableName in MATLAB.

  • variableName



public Object[] returningEval(String command, int nargout)

Evaluates a command in MATLAB, returning the result. This is equivalent to MATLAB’s eval('command'). In order for the result of this command to be returned the number of arguments to be returned must be specified by nargout. This is equivalent in MATLAB to the number of variables placed on the left hand side of an expression. For example, in MATLAB the inmem function may be used with either 1, 2, or 3 return values each resulting in a different behavior:

M = inmem;
[M, X] = inmem;
[M, X, J] = inmem;

The returned Object array will be of length nargout with each return argument placed into the corresponding array position. If the command cannot return the number of arguments specified by nargout then an exception will be thrown.

  • command – the command to be evaluated in MATLAB
  • nargout – the number of arguments that will be returned from evaluating command

result of MATLAB command, the length of the array will be nargout


public Object[] returningFeval(String functionName, int nargout, Object... args)

Calls a MATLAB function with the name functionName, returning the result. Arguments to the function may be provided as args, but are not required if the function needs no arguments. The function arguments will be converted into MATLAB equivalents as appropriate. Importantly, this means that a String will be converted to a MATLAB char array, not a variable name. In order for the result of this function to be returned the number of arguments to be returned must be specified by nargout. This is equivalent in MATLAB to the number of variables placed on the left hand side of an expression. For example, in MATLAB the inmem function may be used with either 1, 2, or 3 return values each resulting in a different behavior:

M = inmem;
[M, X] = inmem;
[M, X, J] = inmem;

The returned Object array will be of length nargout with each return argument placed into the corresponding array position. If the function is not capable of returning the number of arguments specified by nargout then an exception will be thrown.

  • functionName – the name of the MATLAB function to call
  • nargout – the number of arguments that will be returned by functionName
  • args – the arguments to the function

result of MATLAB function, the length of the array will be nargout


public void setVariable(String variableName, Object value)

Sets variableName to value in MATLAB, creating the variable if it does not yet exist.

  • variableName
  • value