
class MatlabClassLoaderHelper

Configures class loading inside of MATLAB such that it will work properly with RMI. MATLAB uses com.mathworks.jmi.CustomURLClassLoader to load classes. Class loaders first ask their parent class loader to attempt to load the class and so on up the chain all the way to the system class loader. (This is by convention, one which CustomURLClassLoader follows). All classes listed on MATLAB’s static class path (defined in the matlabroot/toolbox/local/classpath.txt file where matlabroot is the location of MATLAB) will be known to the system class loader. As such, all Java classes listed on the static class path will be loaded by the system class loader. Classes listed on MATLAB’s dynamic class path via the javaaddpath function will be loaded by CustomURLClassLoader. When matlabcontrol is started outside MATLAB and launches a session of MATLAB it adds itself to MATLAB’s dynamic classpath. This allows matlabcontrol’s code to run inside of MATLAB without needing to find and then modify the classpath.txt file (which also very well might not be desired by the user). When matlabcontrol is started inside MATLAB the user may have placed it on either the static or dynamic class path (the user could do both, but the static class path would be used and the dynamic would be ignored). matlabcontrol cannot initially control which class loader knows about matlabcontrol. The reason all of this matters is because of how RMI loads classes. When RMI attempts to load a class it starts by asking the current thread for its class loader (@code Thread#getContextClassLoader}. (If that does not work it can then attempt to load the class from a remote location, but this feature is not used by matlabcontrol and so this step does not occur.) The class loader that is returned by the thread RMI is running on will not be MATLAB’s CustomURLClassLoader. As such, RMI will not operate properly if matlabcontrol was added to the dynamic class path. When a class loader is attempting to load a class, it starts with its parent class loader and so on up the chain. By informing the system class loader of the location of matlabcontrol, then RMI’s class loader will be able to find the matlabcontrol classes. This can be done via reflection (see addToSystemClassLoader(). Once the system class loader knows about the classes in matlabcontrol it will load the classes. If classes have been loaded by the CustomURLClassLoader then problems can arise. The classes loaded by the system class loader and those loaded by CustomURLClassLoader will exist in separate runtime packages, meaning they can only access public classes, methods, and fields of one another. MatlabClassLoaderHelper manipulates class loading. If the system class loader knows about matlabcontrol then no action is taken. Otherwise, the system class loader is told about matlabcontrol. When matlabcontrol launches a session of MATLAB this class is called before any other class is loaded, and this class is never used again. As such, if this class is loaded by the CustomURLClassLoader, it will not be a problem.

Author:Joshua Kaplan



public static void configureClassLoading()

Configures class loading to work properly with RMI inside MATLAB. See the class description for more detail. Called from within MATLAB when RemoteMatlabProxyFactory launches a session of MATLAB.
