EECS 398, 399: Senior Project I, II

Final Oral Presentations


Each group is allocated a total of 30 minutes including demonstration and question and answer. The sign-up schedule is posted on Dr.Merat's office door.

All presentations will be held in Olin 408. A Dell laptop and computer projector will be available. Students are encouraged to bring their own computers.

Each person is required to attend three presentations other than their own. Attendance will be taken at each presentation.

NDA projects should contact Merat or Gura for additional instructions.

Suggested Outline

Many different organizations are possible but the following is recommended.

A demonstration of your project is expected. This can be done using graphs, video, pictures or a live demonstration. The objective is to convince the audience that you have achieved your project goals.


A professional rule of thumb is to allow an average of two minutes for each transparency. This means that your final presentation will have on the order of 10-12 slides. Practice your talk before the presentation, checking on time. There will be no extra time allocated.

Use video or digital pictures for your demonstration. You know exactly how long these will take to display and you can always count on them to work.

Each team member should participate in the presentation typically by presenting the work they did.


The final oral presentation counts for 15% of your final course grade. Download a copy of the evaluation form (PDF, 12 kB) that will be used to grade your oral presentations.

Verification or demonstration that the project works to specification (i.e., it does what it was supposed to do) can be demonstrated here and elaborated upon in your final report. THIS IS WORTH 20% OF YOUR FINAL GRADE.

Sample Final Presentations

Download sample presentations corresponding to the sample final reports.

Created: 2002-6-5. Last Modified: 2005-11-29.