package eecs_391_sepia_example; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import edu.cwru.sepia.action.Action; import edu.cwru.sepia.action.ActionFeedback; import edu.cwru.sepia.action.ActionResult; import edu.cwru.sepia.agent.Agent; import edu.cwru.sepia.environment.model.history.History.HistoryView; import edu.cwru.sepia.environment.model.state.State.StateView; public class MyCombatAgent extends Agent { private int enemyPlayerNum = 1; public MyCombatAgent(int playernum, String[] otherargs) { super(playernum); if(otherargs.length > 0) { enemyPlayerNum = new Integer(otherargs[0]); } System.out.println("Constructed MyCombatAgent"); } @Override public Map initialStep(StateView newstate, HistoryView statehistory) { // This stores the action that each unit will perform // if there are no changes to the current actions then this // map will be empty Map actions = new HashMap(); // This is a list of all of your units // Refer to the resource agent example for ways of // differentiating between different unit types based on // the list of IDs List myUnitIDs = newstate.getUnitIds(playernum); // This is a list of enemy units List enemyUnitIDs = newstate.getUnitIds(enemyPlayerNum); if(enemyUnitIDs.size() == 0) { // Nothing to do because there is no one left to attack return actions; } // start by commanding every single unit to attack an enemy unit for(Integer myUnitID : myUnitIDs) { // Command all of my units to attack the first enemy unit in the list actions.put(myUnitID, Action.createCompoundAttack(myUnitID, enemyUnitIDs.get(0))); } return actions; } @Override public Map middleStep(StateView newstate, HistoryView statehistory) { // This stores the action that each unit will perform // if there are no changes to the current actions then this // map will be empty Map actions = new HashMap(); // This is a list of enemy units List enemyUnitIDs = newstate.getUnitIds(enemyPlayerNum); if(enemyUnitIDs.size() == 0) { // Nothing to do because there is no one left to attack return actions; } int currentStep = newstate.getTurnNumber(); // go through the action history for(ActionResult feedback : statehistory.getCommandFeedback(playernum, currentStep-1).values()) { // if the previous action is no longer in progress (either due to failure or completion) // then add a new action for this unit if(feedback.getFeedback() != ActionFeedback.INCOMPLETE) { // attack the first enemy unit in the list int unitID = feedback.getAction().getUnitId(); actions.put(unitID, Action.createCompoundAttack(unitID, enemyUnitIDs.get(0))); } } return actions; } @Override public void terminalStep(StateView newstate, HistoryView statehistory) { System.out.println("Finished the episode"); } @Override public void savePlayerData(OutputStream os) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void loadPlayerData(InputStream is) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }