Publications of Michael Rabinovich
Measurement and Performance
- J. Mao, M.Rabinovich, and K. Schomp. Assessing Support for DNS-over-TCP in the
Wild. Passive and Active Measurement Conf., 2022.
- Y. Huang, M. Rabinovich, and R. Al-Dalky. FlashRoute: Efficient
Traceroute on a Massive Scale. ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Conf.,
- R. Al-Dalky, M. Rabinovich, and K. Schomp. A Look at the ECS Behavior of DNS
Resolvers ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Conf.,
2019. (Note post-publication clarifications at the end of the paper.)
- Z. Al-Qudah, I. Jomhawy, M. Alsarayreh, and
M. Rabinovich. On the
stability and diversity of Internet routes in the MPLS era.
Performance Evaluation 138. Elsevier, 2020.
A preliminary version appeared as Internet Path Stability:
Exploring the Impact of MPLS Deployment. IEEE Globecom, 2016.
- K. Schomp, M. Rabinovich, and M. Allman. Towards a Model of DNS Client
Behavior Passive and
Active Measurement Conf., 2016.
- Hao Ding and Michael Rabinovich. TCP Stretch Acknowledgements and Timestamps:
Findings and Implications for Passive RTT Measurement.
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 45(3), pp. 20-27, 2015.
- K. Schomp, T. Callahan, M. Rabinovich and M. Allman. On
Measuring the Client-Side DNS Infrastructure. ACM SIGCOMM
Internet Measurement Conf., pp. 77-90, 2013.
- T. Callahan, M. Allman, M. Rabinovich: On modern DNS behavior and
properties. ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 43(3),
pp. 7-15, 2013.
- H. Alzoubi, M. Rabinovich, and O. Spatscheck. The Anatomy of LDNS Clusters: Findings and Implications
for Web Content Delivery 22nd Int. Conf. on World Wide
Web, pp. 83-94, 2013.
- H. Alzoubi, M. Rabinovich, and O. Spatscheck. Performance
Implications of Unilateral Enabling of IPv6. The 14th Passive
and Active Measurement Conf., pp. 115-124, 2013.
- Z. Wen and M. Rabinovich. Dynamic Landmark
Triangles: A Simple and Efficient Mechanism for Inter-Host
Latency Estimation. Computer Communications, 55(8),
pp. 1864-1879, Elsevier, 2011. Note: The printed version of the paper has typos in Equations 1 and 3 of the Appendix. The version linked above fixes these typos.
An abstract of this work previously appeared in: Network Distance Estimation With Dynamic Landmark Triangles. (Poster) ACM SIGMETRICS, June 2008.
- M. Allman, L. Martin, M. Rabinovich, and K. Atchinson. On Community-Oriented Internet Measurement.
The 9th Passive and Active Measurements Conf., April 2008.
- Z. Wen, S. Triukose, and M. Rabinovich. Facilitating Focused Internet Measurements. ACM SIGMETRICS, June 2007.
- M. Rabinovich, S. Triukose, Z. Wen, and L. Wang.
DipZoom: The Internet Measurements Marketplace.
The 9th IEEE Global Internet Symp., May 2006.
- L. Bent, M. Rabinovich, G. M. Voelker, and Z. Xiao.
Towards Informed Web Content Delivery.
The 9th Int. Workshop on Web Content Caching and
Distribution, pp. 232-248, October 2004.
- L. Bent, M. Rabinovich, G. M. Voelker, and Z. Xiao.
Characterization of a Large Web Site Population with
Implications for Content Delivery.
The 13th Int. World Wide Web Conf., pp. 522--533,
May 2004 (Best Student Paper Award - Congrats Leeann!)
- Z. M. Mao, C. Cranor, F. Douglis, M Rabinovich, O. Spatscheck,
and J. Wang.
A precise and efficient evaluation of the proximity
between Web clients and their local DNS servers.
USENIX Annual Technical Conference, 2002
Cloud and Edge Computing
- M. Rabinovich, M. Allman, S. Brennan, B. Pollack, and
J. Xu. Rethinking Home Networks in the Ultrabroadband Era. IEEE Int. Conf. on Distributed Computing Systems, Invited paper (lightly reviewed), 2019.
- H. Qian and M. Rabinovich. Mega Data Center for Elastic
Internet Applications. 11th High-Perf. Grid and Cloud
Computing Workshop, 2014
- H. Qian and M. Rabinovich.
Application Placement and Demand Distribution in a Global Elastic Cloud: A Unified Approach
10th USENIX Int. Conf. on Autonomic Computing, 2013.
- W. Zhang, H. Qian, C. E. Wills, and M. Rabinovich.
Agile Resource Management in a Virtualized Data Center. First Joint WOSP/SIPEW Int. Conf. on Performance Engineering, 2010.
- Z. Al-Qudah, H. Alzoubi, M. Allman, M. Rabinovich, and V. Liberatore.
Efficient Application Placement in a Dynamic Hosting Platform. The 18th Int. World Wide Web Conf., 2009.
- H. Qian, E. Miller, W. Zhang, M. Rabinovich, and C. Wills. Agility in Virtualized Utility Computing. 2d Int. Workshop on Virtualization Technology in Distributed Computing, November 2007.
- H. Alzoubi, M. Rabinovich, and O. Spatcheck.
MyXDNS: A Request Routing DNS Server With Decoupled
Server Selection. The 16th Int. World Wide Web Conf ,
May 2007. Software Download
- C. Canali, M. Rabinovich, and Z. Xiao.
Utility computing
for Internet applications.
An invited chapter in Xueyan Tang et
al. (Eds.). "Web Content Delivery". Springer, 2005.
Michael Rabinovich, Zhen Xiao, and Amit Aggarwal.
Computing on the
Edge: A Platform for Replicating Internet Applications.
The 8th Int. Workshop on Web Content Caching and
Distribution, September 2003.
- P. Karbhari, M. Rabinovich, Z. Xiao, and F. Douglis
ACDN: a Content Delivery
Network for Applications.
SIGMOD Int. Conf. on Management of Data (Demo Track),
, p. 619. 2002.
Security, Identity, and Naming
- R. Al-Dalky, M. Rabinovich, and M. Allman. Practical Challenge-Response
for DNS. ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 48.3,
pp. 20-28, 2018.
- Z. Al-Qudah, E. Johnson, M. Rabinovich, and O. Spatscheck Internet With Transient Destination-Controlled
Addressing. IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networks 24(2),
pp. 731-744, 2016. Software Downloads
- K. Schomp, M. Allman, and M. Rabinovich. DNS Resolvers Considered
Harmful. The 13th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets), 2014.
- K. Schomp, T. Callahan, M. Rabinovich, and M. Allman. Assessing DNS
Vulnerability to Record Injection. The 15th Passive and
Active Measurement Conf., 2014.
- T. Ouyang, S. Ray, M. Rabinovich, and M. Allman. A Large-Scale Empirical Analysis
of Email Spam Detection Through Network Characteristics in a
Stand-Alone Enterprise. Computer Networks , 59(2014), pp. 101-121, Elsevier, 2014.
Tom Callahan, Mark Allman, and Michael Rabinovich. Pssst, Over Here: Communicating Without Fixed
Infrastructure IEEE Infocom Miniconference 2012.
An extended version of this paper is available here.
- Tom Callahan, Mark Allman, Michael Rabinovich, and Owen Bell. On Grappling with Meta-Information in the Internet ACM SIGCOMM Computer Comm. Review, 41(5), pp. 13-23, 2011.
- T. Ouyang, S. Ray, M. Rabinovich, and M. Allman. Can Network Characteristics Detect Spam Effectively in
a Stand-Alone Enterprise? The 12th Passive and Active Measurements Conf., 2011.
- Z. Al-Qudah, M. Rabinovich, and M. Allman.
Web Timeouts and Their Implications. The 11th Passive and Active Measurements Conf., 2010.
- M. Rabinovich and O. Spatscheck. Evasive Internet: Reducing Internet Vulnerability Through Transient Addressing. The 13th IEEE Global Internet Symp., 2010.
- S. Triukose, Z. Al-Qudah, and M. Rabinovich.
Content Delivery Networks: Protection or Threat?
The 14th European Symp. on Research in Computer Security, 2009.
- T. Ouyang, M. Rabinovich.
Weeding Spammers at the Root: A Precise Approach to Spam Reduction.
The 11th IEEE Global Internet Symp., 2008.
- Y. Jung, B. Krishnamurthy, and M. Rabinovich.
Flash Crowds and Denial of Service Attacks: Characterization
and Implications for CDNs and Web Sites.
The 11th Int. World Wide Web Conf., May 2002
Peer-to-Peer Systems
- S. Brennan and M. Rabinovich.
Communication Through Overlay Detours: Pipe Dream or Actionable
Insight? IEEE Int. Conf. on Distributed Computing Systems,
Invited paper (lightly reviewed) 2018.
- H. Qian, M. Rabinovich, and Z. Al-Qudah.
Bringing Local DNS Servers Close to Their Clients. IEEE Globecom, December 2011.
- Y.-F. Chen, Y. Huang, R. Jana, H. Jiang, M. Rabinovich, J. Rahe, B. Wei, and Z. Xiao.
Towards Capacity and Profit Optimization of Video-on-Demand Services in a Peer-Assisted IPTV Platform. (Significantly extended and modified version of the NOSSDAV'2007 paper below). Multimedia Systems, Vol. 15, Nb 1. 2009.
- Y.-F. Chen, Y. Huang, R. Jana, H. Jiang, M. Rabinovich, B. Wei, and Z. Xiao.
When is P2P Technology Beneficial for IPTV Services?
The 17th ACM Int. Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio & Video (NOSSDAV), June 2007. Best paper award.
- Y. Huang, Y.-F. Chen, R. Jana, H. Jiang, M. Rabinovich, A. Reibman, B. Wei, and Z.
Xiao. Capacity Analysis of MediaGrid: a P2P IPTV Platform for Fiber to the Node (FTTN)
Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Special Issue on Peer-to-Peer
Communications and Applications. Vol. 25, No. 1, January 2007.
Content Delivery Networks and Hosting Services
- J. Xu and M. Rabinovich. NoCDN: Scalable Content Delivery Without a Middleman. 5th IEEE Workshop on Hot Topics in Web
Systems and Technologies (HotWeb), Invited paper, 2017.
- S. Triukose and M. Rabinovich. Client-Centric Content
Delivery Network. 4th IEEE Workshop on Hot Topics in Web Systems and Technologies (HotWeb), 2016.
- H. Alzoubi, S. Lee, M. Rabnovich, O. Spatscheck, and J. Van der
Merve. A Practical Architecture for an Anycast CDN.
ACM Trans. on the Web (TWEB). 5(4), pp. 1--29, 2011.
Preliminary version appeared as Anycast CDNs Revisited
The 17th Int. World Wide Web Conf., 2008. Erratum
in the WWW version: The last sentence of 2d paragraph sec. 3.3
says we used "the latter approach" in our experiments. In fact,
as noted in the TWEB paper, our experiments did not use either optimization.
- S. Triukose, Z. Wen, and M. Rabinovich. Measuring a Commercial
Content Delivery Network. The 20th Int. World Wide Web Conf., 2011.
An abstract of some aspects of this work appeared in Content Delivery Networks: How Big is Big Enough? (Poster) ACM SIGMETRICS, 2009.
- Z. Al-Qudah, S. Lee, M. Rabinovich, O. Spatscheck, and J. Van der Merwe. Anycast-Aware Transport for Content Delivery Networks
The 18th Int. World Wide Web Conf., 2009.
- A. Biliris, C. Cranor, F. Douglis, M. Rabinovich, S. Sibal,
O. Spatscheck, and W. Sturm.
CDN Brokering.
In 6th Int. Web Caching and Content Delivery Workshop
(WCW'01), June 2001.
Also appeared in Computer Communications, Vol. 25(4),
pp. 393-402, March 2002.
- S. Gadde, J. Chase, and M. Rabinovich.
Web Caching and Content Distribution: A View From the Interior.
5th Int. Web Caching and Content Delivery Workshop
(WCW'00), May 2000. Also
appeared in Computer Communications, Vol. 24(2), pp. 222--231,
February 2001.
- M. Rabinovich and A. Aggarwal
RaDaR: A scalable architecture for a global Web hosting service.
The 8th Int. World Wide Web Conf , May 1999.
- M. Rabinovich, I. Rabinovich, R. Rajaraman, and
A. Aggarwal
A dynamic object replication and migration protocol for an Internet
hosting service.
IEEE Int. Conf. on Distributed Computing Systems, May 1999.
- M. Rabinovich.
Issues in Web Content Replication.
Data Engineering Bulletin, Invited paper ,
Vol. 21 No. 4. December 1998.
- T. W. Cho, M. Rabinovich, K. K. Ramakrishnan, D. Srivastava, and Y. Zhang.
Enabling Content Dissemination Using Efficient and Scalable Multicast.
INFOCOM'2009 .
- T. Ouyang, S. Jin, and M. Rabinovich.
Dynamic TCP Proxies: Coping with Disadvantaged Hosts in MANETs.
The 3d IEEE Workshop on Wireless Mesh and Ad Hoc Networks (WiMAN) 2009 .
- W. Fenner, M. Rabinovich, K. K. Ramakrishnan,
D. Srivastava, and Y. Zhang.
XTreeNet: Scalable Overlay
Networks for XML Content Dissemination and Querying
The 10th Int. Workshop on Web Content Caching and
Distribution, September 2005.
- B. Krishnamurthy, R. Liston, and M. Rabinovich.
DEW: DNS-Enhanced Web for Faster Content Delivery.
The 12th Int. World Wide Web Conf., pp. 310--320, May 2003
- M. Rabinovich and H. Wang.
DHTTP: An Efficient and Cache-Friendly Transfer Protocol for
Web Traffic.
INFOCOM'2001. (
Expanded version appeared in the IEEE
Transactions on Networking in December, 2004).
- G. Banga, F. Douglis, and M. Rabinovich.
Optimistic deltas for WWW latency reduction.
USENIX Technical Conference, pp. 289-304, 1997.
Client-Side Content Manipulation
- M. Rabinovich, Z. Xiao, F. Douglis, and C. Kalmanek.
Moving Edge-Side Includes to the Real Edge - the Clients
USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems. 2003.
- F. Douglis, S. Jain, J. Klensin, and M. Rabinovich.
Click-once Hypertext: Now You See It, Now You Don't.
2nd IEEE Workshop on Internet Applications
(WIAPP'01), July 2001.
- F. Douglis, A. Haro, and M. Rabinovich.
HPP: HTML Macro-Preprocessing to Support Dynamic Document
USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems.
pp. 83-94, December 1997.
Web Caching
- A. Feldmann, R. Caceres, F. Douglis, G. Glass, and M. Rabinovich.
Performance of Web Proxy Caching in Heterogeneous Bandwidth
INFOCOM'99 1999.
- R. Caceres, F. Douglis, A. Feldmann, G. Glass, and M. Rabinovich.
Web Proxy Caching: The Devil is in the Details.
Workshop on Internet Server Performance. June 1998.
- S. Gadde, J. Chase, and M. Rabinovich.
A Taste of Crispy Squid.
Workshop on Internet Server Performance. June 1998.
- M. Rabinovich, J. Chase, and S. Gadde.
Not All Hits Are Created Equal:
Cooperative Proxy Caching Over a Wide-Area Network.
3rd International Web Caching Workshop (WCW'98). June
1998. Also appeared in
Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, Vol. 30, pp. 2253--2259,
November 1998.
- S. Gadde, J. Chase, and M. Rabinovich.
Directory Structures for Scalable Internet Caches.
Technical Report CS-1997-18. Department of Computer Science,
Duke University. November 1997.
- S. Gadde, M. Rabinovich, and J. Chase.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: An Approach to Building Large
Internet Caches.
Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS),
May 1997.
- J. Eder, E. Panagos, and M. Rabinovich.
Time constraints in workflow systems.
The 11th Conference on Advanced Information Systems
Engineering (CAiSE'99) June 1999.
- J. Eder, E. Panagos, H. Pezewaunig, and M. Rabinovich.
Time management in workflow systems.
3d Int. Conf. on Business Infomation Systems, pp. 265-280, Invited paper. April
- E. Panagos and M. Rabinovich.
Reducing Escalation-Related Costs in WFMSs.
NATO Summer School, Invited paper. August 1997
- E. Panagos and M. Rabinovich.
Predictive Workflow Management.
The 3d Workshop on the Next Generation Information Technology
and Systems (NGITS-97), pp. 193-197, 1997.
- E. Panagos and M. Rabinovich.
Escalations in workflow management systems.
DART-96 Workshop (Databases:
Active and Real Time), 1996.
- H. V. Jagadish, I. S. Mumick, and M. Rabinovich.
Asynchronous Version Advancement in a Distributed Three-version Database.
IEEE Int Conf. on Data Engineering, pp. 424-435, February 1998.
- H. V. Jagadish, I. S. Mumick, and M. Rabinovich.
Scalable Versioning in Distributed Databases with Commuting Updates.
IEEE Int. Conf. on Data Engineering, pp. 520-531, 1997.
- M. Rabinovich, N. Gehani, and A. Kononov.
Efficient update propagation in
epidemic replicated databases.
In Proc. of the 5th Int. Conf. on Extending
Database Technology, pp. 207-222, 1996.
- M. Rabinovich and E. D. Lazowska.
Efficient support for partial write
operations in replicated databases.
In Proc. of the 10th
IEEE Int. Conf. on Data Engineering, pp. 43-53, 1994.
- M. Rabinovich and E. D. Lazowska.
Asynchronous epoch management in replicated
In Proc. of the 7th Int. Workshop on Distributed Algorithms,
pp. 115-128, Springer-Verlag, 1993. See also an extended
version with proofs.
- A. Kumar, M. Rabinovich, and R. Sinha.
A performance study of general
grid structures for replicated data.
In Proc. of the 13th IEEE Int. Conf. on Distributed Computing
Systems, pp. 178-185, 1993. An extended version is available on-line.
- M. Rabinovich and E. D. Lazowska.
An efficient and highly available
read-one write-all protocol for replicated data management.
In Proc. of the 2d IEEE Int. Conf. on Parallel and Distributed
Information Systems, 1993. See also an extended
technical report.
- M. Rabinovich and E. D. Lazowska.
Improving fault-tolerance and supporting
partial writes in structured coterie protocols for replicated objects.
In Proc. of the ACM SIGMOD Conf. on Management of Data ,
1992. See also an extended
technical report.
- M. Rabinovich and E. D. Lazowska.
A fault-tolerant commit protocol for
replicated databases.
In Proc. of the 11th ACM Symp. on
Principles of Database Systems, 1992.
- M. Rabinovich and E. D. Lazowska.
The dynamic tree protocol: avoiding ``graceful
degradation'' in the tree protocol for distributed mutual exclusion.
In Proc. of the 11th IEEE Int'l Phoenix Conf. on Computers and
Communications, 1992.
- E. W. Felten and M. Rabinovich.
A centralized token-based algorithm
for distributed mutual exclusion.
Technical Report 92-02-02,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington,
February 1992.
Below are the editorials I wrote for IEEE Internet Computing during my
tenure as the Editor-in-Chief of this magazine, as well as a Guest
Editor Introduction I co-wrote with Mark Allman for a special issue on
Internet measurements that appears in this magazine in 2016.
M. Rabinovich, Engineers
or Scientists? IEEE Internet Computing, vol. 15, no. 01, pp. 4-6, 2011.
M. Rabinovich, Computer Science Research Community: The Death Spiral? IEEE Internet Computing, vol. 16, no. 05, pp. 4-6, 2012.
M. Rabinovich, The Reproducibility versus Debuggability of Research IEEE Internet Computing,vol. 18, no. 06, pp. 4-6, 2014.
M. Rabinovich, Measuring the Internet IEEE Internet Computing, vol. 20, no. 04, pp. 6-8, 2016.