Wireless & Networking Workshop

November 8th, CWRU's Peter B. Lewis Building, 9:00am-1:00pm

Peter B. Lewis Building Rooms 201, 258, 259 and 358.

Intelligent Mobile Networks, Protocols, and Architectures for Distributed Space Networks

Prof. Behnam Malakooti

Department of EECS, Case School of Engineering

We present an Intelligent Architecture that allows autonomous and distributed decision making for aerospace and near-earth sciences, and for increasing functionality, mobility, agility, flexibility, and quality. We propose a new class of intelligent networks, protocols, and systems to support emerging aerospace and NASA's hardware and software technologies. Proposed Intelligent Networks have the ability to learn from experience and use this knowledge to make autonomous decisions, to carry out complicated tasks through collaboration, to change their functions, and to plan for the future. We also propose to develop a system that employs autonomous and remote agents to support re-configurable, adaptive and reliable networks.

Created: 2002-10-20. Last Modified: 2002-11-5.