Lab Manuals

Complete manuals for the equipment used in the Glennan 308 Circuits Lab.

Oscilloscope Probe Manual . This document describes the electrical behavior of the LF-210E oscilloscope probes used in the circuits lab. (4 pages)

Agilent 54600 Oscilloscope. This is the User and Serivce Manual for the HP 54600, 54601, 54602 and 54603 oscilloscopes. (182 pages)

Agilent 33120A Waveform Generator. This is the User's Manual for the HP 33120A Waveform Generator. (312 pages)

Agilent 34401A Digital Multimeter. This is the User's Manual for the HP 34401A Digital Multimeter. (236 pages)

Agilent E3631A Triple Output DC Power Supply. This is the User's Manual for the HP E3631A DC Power Supply. (166 pages)

IntuiLink Waveform Editor. This is the documentation for the IntuiLink Waveform Editor which allows you to specify and download waveforms of your design to the HP 33120 waveform generator. (28 pages)