EECS 490: Digital Image Processing

Fall 2007, Prof. Frank Merat

Student Images

This page contains the images which were submitted with the final project.

The original Image

This contained a few more axons than the "gold-standard" images.

Alwood (269)

AnhTran (260)

Aylsworth (534)

Clemenzi (640)


Creighton (425)

Franczyk (557)

Hung (246)

Kourennyi (367)


Lewis (461)


Lipstreu (330)

Meunier-1 (368)

Meunier-2 (333)

Miller (292)

Misevski (267)

Nappier (325)

VanAnhTran (328)

Wallace (301)

Whitten-1 (368)

Whitten-2 (517)

Whitten-3 (459)

Hand count (240)

Anh Tran counted the image by hand and came up with 240 axons.

Created: 2007-12-20. Last Modified: 2007-12-20