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Concepts for Engineers
These are what are commonly called “capstone design projects” which emphasize self-reliance and design innovation based upon your engineering and science education during your prior years in the university. Projects may be software, hardware, or a combination of both. Faculty members serve as project consultants and technical mentors. Students are required to write formal reports on their work which are graded for style and content. A formal oral presentation on the final results is required.
As the summer semester is so short, it is MOST IMPORTANT that you find a suitable project within one week. Furthermore, many projects are put in a “wait-state” while special ordered parts make their way slowly to the project engineers, so get your designs done as quickly as possible.
Finally, you should think of your projects as being performed on your first job for your supervisor. He will not tolerate late reports!
If you receive credit for the technical component of one semester of senior project you will still be responsible for the non-technical contact of the class (i.e., ethics papers,patent disclosure, etc.) as defined by the course instructor.
You are also responsible for preparing a final project report and making an oral presentation of your work. These will follow the formats required of other senior project students in that semester and will typically be presented at the beginning of the semester in which you return to Case.
In all cases, you must receive written permission from your supervisor to use your work product for senior project credit. We are more interested in the design process, so it is very reasonable to keep proprietary/confidential material out of the report and presentation required for the senior project class.