EECS 398, 399: Senior Project I, II


We have identified three books which are relevant references for this couse. You are encouraged to read and study the relevant sections.

Seebauer and Barry

There are many books about ethics for scientists and engineers. These deal not with professional codes of ethics but with broader questions of what is "right" and "wrong" and how to systematically deal with ethical decisions. One good textbook which presents ethics and ethical practice is Fundamentals of Ethics for Scientists and Engineers by Seebauer and Barry. However, there are many others.

There are also many courses in ethics for scientists and engineers. These deal not with professional codes of ethics but with broader questions of what is "right" and "wrong" and how to systematically deal with ethical decisions.


This book by Prentice-Hall is an excellent introduction to design and several of the topics which we cover in senior project.


This book was written around the senior project experience as taught by Masoud Elsami at UC Riverside. It is an amazing parallel to our course although their course has more focus on writing and upon engineering economics and marketing. The chapters of this book are typically short and highly recommended reading.

This book also contains some very useful examples of student work.

Created: 2003-6-12. Last Modified: 2004-7-12