EECS 398, 399: Senior Project I, II

Project Proposal


The project proposal must clearly define what is to be designed, define the project objectives (i.e., specifications or functional requirements of the end result), and identify the initial plan for the problem solution

Basically the Project Proposal consists of a design specification and a management plan.

The specification is an itemized list of functional capabilities or hard specifications for the project, which delineate the performance requirements you intend to meet. In the case of software projects, a software requirements specification and a software flow chart (or similar documentation) must be provided. These requirements will be used later in the project as a means of validating or demonstrating successful completion of the project.

The management plan is a detailed description of tasks graphically (i.e., Gantt chart) showing the relationship of each task to other tasks. The task detail should be to the lowest practical level of comprehension. For example, it is not adequate to simply provide a bar labeled as design. You should break this down into specific tasks such as design parser, design oscillator, research background, perform circuit or software testing, etc. A detailed breakdown of tasks to be done is required. Take your time to prepare a good management plan as an updated plan will be expected in your Oral Project Reviews, your Design Reviews, your Interim and Final Report, and your final Oral Presentation.

E-mail your project proposal to Prof. Merat and Gura.

The proposal should contain the following information:


Download a copy of the evaluation form that will be used to grade your proposal.

Sample Proposal

Download a short project proposal similar to that described above.

Created: 2002-6-5. Last Modified: 2005-9-12.