EECS 398, 399: Senior Project I, II

Final Report

General Comments

We have developed a report format which is to the point and allows sufficient flexibility for students to document almost any type of project. Please try to follow this format as it makes the grading of the project more uniform and also ensures that the information we need to evaluate your project is present.

Some comments about writing are in order because you will be graded both on the technical content of your report and on the quality of your writing.

Suggested report format:


Download a copy of the evaluation form (PDF, 16kB) we will use in grading your final report.

Sample Final Reports

Download samples of senior projects from previous years. Note that we have changed the report format over the years and are now much more specific about the things which your final report needs to include.

Created: 2002-6-5. Last Modified: 2005-12-4.