EECS 398, 399: Senior Project I, II

Professional Ethics

Professional ethics is essential in any profession. What are the professional guidelines for engineers and how do you use them to determine appropriate actions? Professional organizations for engineers publish well-thought out codes of professional conduct. As an electrical, computer or systems & control engineer you should be familiar with the

Ethical Reasoning

There are also many courses in ethics for scientists and engineers. These deal not with professional codes of ethics but with broader questions of what is "right" and "wrong" and how to systematically deal with ethical decisions. A good textbook which presents ethics and ethical practice is Fundamentals of Ethics for Scientists and Engineers by Seebauer and Barry.

There are also many courses in ethics for scientists and engineers. These deal not with professional codes of ethics but with broader questions of what is "right" and "wrong" and how to systematically deal with ethical decisions.

Ethical Report

Your report should be at least 3 pages long (double spaced) and address the following points:


Download the ethical situations for this semester.

Discussion Situations

There are many ethical dilemmas which are far more complicated than the assignments you will each analyze. The following represent famous situations as well as a hypothetical in which you could very easily find yourself.


Download a copy of the evaluation form that will be used use to grade your ethics papers.

Download sampled graded ethics papers sampled graded ethics papers .

Professional Registration

You should consider becoming a registered Professional Engineer. This demonstrates both your technical competence and your adherence to a professional code of ethics. This is becoming increasingly important even to software and network engineers. Check out Ohio's Engineers and Surveyors Board for information on becoming a registered professional engineer in the State of Ohio. Graduating students should check with Prof. Merat about when and how to take the exam .

Created: 2003-6-12. Last Modified: 2005-12-1