Design Review Meetings
There will be two design review meetings held during the semester.
These reviews will be verbal and are not intended to be technical in nature
but rather will focus on project planning matters such as the project plan,
design specifications, and performance to intended results. These project reviews
will be approximately 30 minutes in duration. Each team will sign up for an
time — instructions on how to sign up for these meetings will be given
Initial Project Review:
The first design review meeting, entitled the Initial Project Review,
will be held immediately after the First Oral Status Report. The meeting
will consist of a short oral presentation to Prof. Merat and/or Gura. Entire
team participation is mandatory. Each team member will present his/her
contribution to the project during this meeting and the team must present
an Updated Project plan during this review.
You will not have a computer or computer projector for this presentation,
but may bring printed materials which can be shared with everyone present.
This is called a “lay down” presentation. The content of
this presentation shall be the following:
- Brief description of the project, presented by the project leader
including the reason for the project and the approach taken.
Approximate time - 3 minutes
- Team responsibilities, presented by each team member. Approximate
- 3 minutes
- Discussion of Deliverables, Specs., and/or Functional Requirements
presented by the team leader. Approximate time – 4
- Discussion of the updated project plan, including
- What was planned to happen
- What actually happened
- What problems were encountered and what was done to overcome them
(work arounds)
- Are there any problems threatening satisfactory completion of the
- This discussion should be lead by the team leader but all should participate.
Approximate time - 15 minutes
- Assessment of the likelihood of satisfactory project completion
including a description of the verification plan by the
team leader, and the team
feeling for success. Each team member will be asked to
assess each other’s
contribution. Approximate time - 5 minutes
Final Project Review:
The second design review meeting, entitled the Final Project Review,
will be held immediately after the Second Oral Status Report and will
require the same sign up and team participation process as the initial
review. It is mandatory that an Updated Project plan be presented at this
review because the focus at this time will be:
- A restatement of the goals, specs, or functional requirements, particularly
if they have changed from the Initial Project Review, by the team leader.
Approximate time – 4 minutes
- A discussion of any changes to the approach of performing the project
by the team leader with appropriate input from all team members. Approximate
time – 4 minutes
- A presentation of the project plan with particular attention to
any tasks which are behind schedule, revisions to the initial plan, or
major problems facing the team. This discussion should be given by the
team leader. Approximate time – 10 minutes
- Detailed discussion of the approach to be taken in the verification
task showing how project requirements will be proven. Presented by the
team leader. Approximate time – 7 minutes
- 5. Team feeling for success of the project. Each team member will be
asked to assess each other’s contribution. Approximate time – 5
Created: 2005-8-25. Last Modified: 2005-8-25.