EECS 398, 399: Senior Project I, II

Fall 2005


This course lecture and deadline schedule subject to announced changes.

Lecture Notes, Audio Recordings and Videos

We will endeavor to make copies of materials used in the lectures, as well as audio and video recordings of some of the lectures available to you.


  • August 29th: First class lecture. Review of course requirements and submitted design projects. Question & answer period.
  • August 31st: Brian Gray, CWRU Kelvin Smith Library - electronic resources for engineering & library searches (IEEE, ACM, Knovel, and OhioLink).
  • September 7th: Project Concept due. A project concept is a general description of your project and your objectives. This document should be submitted electronically and should be no more than two pages in length. It will generally be non-technical although technical details such as specifications are encouraged.
  • September 7th: First lecture on teamwork.
  • September 12th: Second lecture on teamwork. This lecture will examine NASA's strong teamwork under the stress of the Apollo 13 mission.
  • September 14th: First project management lecture. What are the different phases of projects? How do you develop a project plan using such tools as a Gantt chart?
  • September 19th: Design Process and Design Tools. What is design? What is the Design Cycle? Many companies have developed formal processes and tools for initial design. This session will conclude by describing the brainstorming process and the class will participate in a brainstorming exercise.
  • September 21st: Project Technical Proposal due. A project proposal is a technical description of your project. It should explain what the objective(s) of the project is including technical requirements, proposed solutions, a description of the work to plan to perform, your management plan, and a short description of any hardware/software/services which will need to be obtained from others (including likely purchases) for the project. The project should be submitted electronically and may be up to 5 pages in length.
  • September 21st: CO-OP Final Technical Report due. The report should be submitted electronically.
  • September 21st: Second lecture on professional engineering topics: project management (continued), leadership, technical writing, organizations and organizational structure.
  • September 26th: September 26th, Dan Howe, CWRU graduate student, - Design for Manufacturing.
  • September 28th: Completion of professional engineering topics: professional ethics, effective listening.
  • October 3rd: First Oral Project Status Reports (in-class). Each design team will give a short ( under 8 minutes) presentation of their design project's status to the entire class. This presentation should explain the project and its design objectives, how you will verify that your project works, the project plan and timetable, and the project's current status using a maximum of four Power Point slides.
  • October 5th: Continuation of Oral Project Status Reports.
  • October 10th-12th: Design Review Meetings. Each project team will schedule a 30 minute meeting with the instructors to discuss their project status. The instructors will provide technical and grading feedback at this meeting.
  • October 10th: RESERVED.
  • October 12th: Prof. Mehran Mehregany, Chair, EECS Department - entrepreneurship.
  • October 17th: Interim Technical Report due.
  • October 17th: Intellectual property. What is it? What is a patent, a copyright? Examination of patents and patent disclosures. Discussion of software.
  • October 19th: Nick Frollini, CWRU Vice President for Technology Transfer - Intellectual property, IP policy, technology transfer.
  • October 24th: FALL BREAK.
  • October 26th: GUEST LECTURER (TBD).
  • October 31st: Second Oral Project Status Reports (in-class). Each design team will give a short ( under 8 minute) presentation of their design project's status to the entire class. This presentation should review the project and its design objectives, the project plan and timetable, and give and update on the project's current status (including any technical obstacles encountered) using a maximum of three slides.
  • November 2nd: Continuation of Oral Project Status Reports.
  • November 2nd: Patent Disclosure due.
  • November 7th: Professional Ethics I. Professional Codes of Ethics. Examples of professional situations which require ethical decisions.
  • November 9th: Professional Ethics II. Professional examples including the Shuttle and the DC-10.
  • November 14th: Brian Gray - Patent Searching in detail.
  • November 16th: Reserved.
  • November 14th-16th: Design Review Meetings. Each project team will schedule a 30 minute meeting with the instructors to discuss their project status. The instructors will provide technical and grading feedback at this meeting.
  • November 21st: Dr. Steve Belovich - CEO, IQware — entrepreneurship, economics and marketing.
  • November 23rd: No class due to Thanksgiving.
  • November 28th: Guest Lecturer (TBD).
  • November 30th: Guest Lecturer (TBD).
  • December 5th: Ethics Assignment Due.
  • December 5th: Final Oral Project Presentations. These final presentations will be scheduled for the entire day in the department conference room (Olin 408). Individuals will be allowed 15 minutes; multi-person teams will be allowed 30 minutes for their complete presentation including any demonstrations.
  • December 7th: Final Oral Project Presentations. Continuation of 12/5 presentations.
  • December 14th: Final Technical Report Due.

  • Guest Lecturers

    We are currently in discussion with several guest lecturers for talks on ethics, entrepreneurship, intellectual property, legal responsibilities and obligations, engineering project management, engineering consulting, and engineering design.
  • August 31st, Brian Gray, CWRU Kelvin Smith Library - electronic resources for engineering & library searches (IEEE, ACM, Knovel, and OhioLink).
  • September 26th, Dan Howe, CWRU graduate student, - Design for Manufacturing.
  • October 12th, Prof. Mehran Mehregany, Chair, EECS Department - entrepreneurship.
  • October 19th, Nick Frollini, CWRU Vice President for Technology Transfer - Intellectual property, IP policy, technology transfer.
  • November 21st, Dr. Steve Belovich - CEO, IQware — entrepreneurship, economics and marketing.
  • Date to be determined, Stan Garber - O-Web Technologies, a Beachwood company founded by three current undergraduates at CWRU.
  • Date to be determined, Brian Beal, BJB Engineering — semi-finalist in the DARPA Autonomous Vehicle Grand Challenge.
  • More coming!

  • Created: 2005-8-12. Last Modified: 2005-10-10.