Networks Chat

Information Sheet

The information sheet for the Networks Chat.


Shudong Jin

Vincenzo Liberatore
As an anti-spam measure, please, identify yourself as a student before using the Messenger.

Limin Wang

Mailing List

You can subscribe or send an e-mail to the entire mailing list.

Schedule (Fall 2004)

Title and Links
November 24
Hongbo Jiang
Amol Deshpande (UC Berkeley), Carlos Guestrin (Intel Research Berkeley), Samuel Madden (MIT and Intel Research Berkeley), Joseph Hellerstein (UC Berkeley and Intel Research Berkeley), Wei Hong (Intel Research Berkeley). Model-Driven Data Acquisition in Sensor Networks. VLDB 2004 BEST PAPER. [abstract]
November 10
Zhihua Wei
X. Zhang, J. Liu, B. Li, and T.-S. P. Yum, CoolStreaming/DONet: A Data- driven Overlay Network for Live Media Streaming, IEEE INFOCOM'05, Miami, FL, USA, March 2005. [paper, software].
November 3
Qingbo Cai
Amotz Bar-Noy, Richard Ladner and Tami Tamir. Scheduling techniques for media-on-demand. [paper].
October 27
Brian P. Robinson
Admission Control and Overload Handling in FTT-CAN [paper].
October 20
Mark Allman
Randolph Wang, Sumeet Sobti, Nitin Garg, Elisha Ziskind, Junwen Lai, Arvind Krishnamurthy. Turning the Postal System into a Generic Digital Communication Mechanism, ACM SIGCOMM, August 2004 [paper]
October 6
Ahmad Al-Hammouri
REM: Active Queue Management [abstract, paper]
September 29
Shudong Jin
Comparison of Routing Metrics for Static Multi-Hop Wireless Networks
September 23, 11:30pm
Michael (Misha) Rabinovich
Utility Computing for Internet Applications. Special time and location: 11:30am, White 411
September 15
Wenhui Zhang
Slurpie: A cooperative Build Data Transfer Protocol [abstract, paper].
September 8, 12:15pm
Brian P. Robinson
On the Impact of Bursty Cross-Traffic on Distributed Real-Time Process Control [abstract, paper].
September 1, 11:50am

Field Trip to Sigcomm [Conference program, Travel information] Special time and location: noon, Olin 408
Vincenzo Liberatore
Local QoS [abstract, paper, slides.]


September 8
Brian practices his WFCS talk.
September 1
Field trip to Sigcomm.
August 26
Various links and information added to this Web page.
August 25
Organizational meeting at 2pm in Glennan 514.
August 17
Mailing list started.

Suggested Topics

The Networks Chat folks have expressed interest for the following topics (in no particular order):


When preparing to give your seminar, follow these steps:
  1. Coordinate your choice of a paper with one of the faculty members.
  2. Coordinate a time with the same faculty member and Vincenzo. Send him also a title, abstract, and URL of your talk at least one week before your talk.
  3. Reserve a projector if needed: write to help@eecs.
  4. Prepare your slides if you plan on using them.
  5. Give your talk and lead the discussion!

Suggested Papers and Venues

The Networks Chat faculty, upon student request, has chosen the following papers. Some are seminal papers in the area, some we would just like to read.We also would like to read many other papers from Sigcomm, Infocom, Sigmetrics, Usenix, IWQoS, etc.
  1. S. H. Low and D. E. Lapsey. Optimization Flow Control, I-II, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 7(6):861-875, December 1999.
  2. K. Goldberg, ed. The Robot in the Garden: Telerobotics and Telepistemology in the Age of the Internet. MIT Press, 2000.
  3. RFC 3869: IAB Concerns & Recommendations Regarding Internet Research & Evolution
  4. Arvind Sankar and Zhen Liu. Maximum Lifetime Routing in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks. IEEE INFOCOM 2004.
  5. Ren Wang, Giovanni Pau, Kenshin Yamada, M.Y. Sanadidi, Mario Gerla. TCP Start up Performance in Large Bandwidth Delay Networks. IEEE INFOCOM 2004.
  6. Qing Fang, Jie Gao, Leonidas Guibas. Locating and Bypassing Routing Holes in Sensor Networks. IEEE INFOCOM 2004.
  7. Cheng Jin, David Wei, and Steven Low. FAST TCP: Motivation, Architecture, Algorithms, and Performance. IEEE INFOCOM 2004.
  8. Abhishek Kumar, Min-Ho Sung, Jun (Jim) Xu, and Jia Wang. Data Streaming Algorithms for Efficient and Accurate Estimation of Flow Size Distribution. ACM SIGMETRICS 2004 Best student paper.
  9. Simon S. Lam and Huaiyu Liu. Failure Recovery for Structured P2P Networks: Protocol Design and Performance Evaluation. ACM SIGMETRICS 2004.


Here are a few suggestions on how to make the networks chat more productive:
  1. Read the papers ahead of time so that you are ready for the discussion of the paper.
  2. Projects are not required, but they are encouraged. After all, the purpose of the networks chat is to improve our research efforts.

Vincenzo Liberatore /