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Topic: 10 Steps to create a digital certificate and sign an applet

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This topic has 207 replies on 14 pages [ 1  2  3  4  5  6 | ] (Most recent message: May 12, 2003 10:51 AM)
10 Steps to create a digital certificate and sign an applet
Author: irene67
Jul 27, 2000 8:17 AM  
These steps describe the creation of a self-signed applet.
This is useful for testing purposes. For use of public reachable applets,
there will be needed a "real" certificate issued by an authority like VeriSign or Thawte. (See step 10 - no user will import and trust a self-signed applet from an unkown developer).

The applet needs to run in the plugin, as only the plugin is platform- and browser-independent. And without this indepence, it makes no sense to use java...

1. Create your code for the applet as usual.
It is not necessary to set any permissions or use security managers in
the code.

2. Install JDK 1.3
Path for use of the following commands: [jdk 1.3 path]\bin\
(commands are keytool, jar, jarsigner)
Password for the keystore is *any* password. Only Sun knows why...
perhaps ;-)

3. Generate key: keytool -genkey -keyalg rsa -alias tstkey
Enter keystore password: *******
What is your first and last name?
[Unknown]: Your Name
What is the name of your organizational unit?
[Unknown]: YourUnit
What is the name of your organization?
[Unknown]: YourOrg
What is the name of your City or Locality?
[Unknown]: YourCity
What is the name of your State or Province?
[Unknown]: YS
What is the two-letter country code for this unit?
[Unknown]: US
Is CN=Your Name, OU=YourUnit, O=YourOrg, L=YourCity, ST=YS, C=US
[no]: yes


Enter key password for tstkey
(RETURN if same as keystore password):

(press [enter])

4. Export key: keytool -export -alias tstkey -file tstcert.crt

Enter keystore password: *******
Certificate stored in file tstcert.crt

5. Create JAR: jar cvf tst.jar tst.class
Add all classes used in your project by typing the classnames in the
same line.

added manifest
adding: tst.class(in = 849) (out= 536)(deflated 36%)

6. Verify JAR: jar tvf tst.jar

Thu Jul 27 12:58:28 GMT+02:00 2000 META-INF/
68 Thu Jul 27 12:58:28 GMT+02:00 2000 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
849 Thu Jul 27 12:49:04 GMT+02:00 2000 tst.class

7. Sign JAR: jarsigner tst.jar tstkey
Enter Passphrase for keystore: *******

8. Verifiy Signing: jarsigner -verify -verbose -certs tst.jar

130 Thu Jul 27 13:04:12 GMT+02:00 2000 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
183 Thu Jul 27 13:04:12 GMT+02:00 2000 META-INF/TSTKEY.SF
920 Thu Jul 27 13:04:12 GMT+02:00 2000 META-INF/TSTKEY.RSA
Thu Jul 27 12:58:28 GMT+02:00 2000 META-INF/
smk 849 Thu Jul 27 12:49:04 GMT+02:00 2000 tst.class

X.509, CN=Your Name, OU=YourUnit, O=YourOrg, L=YourCity, ST=YS, C=US

s = signature was verified
m = entry is listed in manifest
k = at least one certificate was found in keystore
i = at least one certificate was found in identity scope

jar verified.

9. Create HTML-File for use of the Applet by the Sun Plugin 1.3
(recommended to use HTML Converter Version 1.3)

10. Place a link to the .crt file (created in step 4) in the HTML-File.
This .crt file has to be opened by the browser and has to be set to
as the root CA for testing is not known to the browser. For use with
"real" certificates, this step should not be necessary.

I needed two long days, to find out these steps. As the documentation at Sun and other Sites is more confusing than clarifying (due to the hundreds of java, plugin and browser versions), i post the steps here. I hope that others may reach the goal in less time ;-)

I'm working on Microsoft platforms and did not test the steps elsewhere.

10 Steps to create a digital certificate and sign an applet
Author: yernenir
In Reply To: 10 Steps to create a digital certificate and sign an applet
Jul 31, 2000 5:13 AM  
Reply 1 of 207
Hi Irene!

Tremendous work, keep it up...


10 Steps to create a digital certificate and sign an applet
Author: Fdepe
In Reply To: 10 Steps to create a digital certificate and sign an applet
Aug 10, 2000 1:16 AM  
Reply 2 of 207
Hi Irene,
I have a trouble with the instruction:
keytool -genkey -keyalg rsa -alias pippo
keytool asks me for the password: any password I thought,
but this is what I get:
keytool error: keystore was tampered with,
or password was incorrect

I am using JDK1.3

10 Steps to create a digital certificate and sign an applet
Author: irene67
In Reply To: 10 Steps to create a digital certificate and sign an applet
Aug 10, 2000 6:32 AM  
Reply 3 of 207
Hi Fdepe
Sorry, no idea. I had also an exception, but only with JDK1.2.
Did you use keytool on the same machine before, with another
password? Then try this. Or try the password of the actually
logged-in user.

There could be a minimum length for the password, but keytool
would report this exactly.

I would try it on another machine (if possible), or search the
forums for this specific exception message. Or search the bug
list, as there are many bugs reported concerning keytool.


10 Steps to create a digital certificate and sign an applet
Author: pboysen
In Reply To: 10 Steps to create a digital certificate and sign an applet
Aug 10, 2000 10:13 AM  
Reply 4 of 207
Your instructions were excellent and I got the self-signing to
work. However, when I got an official certificate it doesn't
work. The problem is that to have the whole certificate chain,
you need it in PKCS#7 format. Unfortunately, none of the
browsers or keytool understand that. I heard of someone
converting from PKCS#7 to X.509 using openssl but that seems like
a lot of trouble. Have you had luck with a certificate a CA?

10 Steps to create a digital certificate and sign an applet
Author: irene67
In Reply To: 10 Steps to create a digital certificate and sign an applet
Aug 10, 2000 10:49 AM  
Reply 5 of 207

I did not get a real certificate yet. But there's a tool from
Microsoft ;-) , which should be able to convert certificates.
Have a look at this link:


10 Steps to create a digital certificate and sign an applet
Author: jv_tech
In Reply To: 10 Steps to create a digital certificate and sign an applet
Aug 10, 2000 9:14 PM  
Reply 6 of 207
Dear Irene,

Thanks for your procedure and I can successfully get the browser
prompt for Grant Permission. But The Applet cannot init.

It's show the error as follow when I use appletviewer to exec my
applet. The error is as follow :

F:\****\ibc\src\xproject>appletviewer kan_xftp.html
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: initPolicyEngine
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(Compiled Code)
at xftp.init(
at Code)
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/ms/security/PolicyEngine
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(Compiled Code)
at xftp.init(
at Code)

line 102 is

public void init() {

100: try{
101: // Do security in MS way
102: if (Class.forName("") !=
103: {
104: PolicyEngine.assertPermission
105: PolicyEngine.assertPermission
106: PolicyEngine.assertPermission
107: PolicyEngine.assertPermission

Have you experience of this error? I have trace it for a few

10 Steps to create a digital certificate and sign an applet
Author: TristanB
In Reply To: 10 Steps to create a digital certificate and sign an applet
Aug 10, 2000 9:36 PM  
Reply 7 of 207
I am still a little confused about applet signing. All of
the "<i>n</i> steps to sign an applet" type tutorials I have
seen differ I many ways.

1) I followed the steps above but was unsure about the last one.
Once you place a link to a certificate, what then? I will
eventually use a proper certificate but I still don't understand
how to do this step, or what it's purpose is.

2) Also, once it is signed, how do I get rid of the warning
bannner, grant permissions, etc?

3) My applet is in 3 JAR's. Do I have to sign them all?

Thanks for any help you can provide,


10 Steps to create a digital certificate and sign an applet
Author: Fdepe
In Reply To: 10 Steps to create a digital certificate and sign an applet
Aug 10, 2000 11:59 PM  
Reply 8 of 207
Hi Irene,
thank you for your response: I have resolved my problem removing
the keytool cache...
I still have some doubts on signing my applet, as I can't make
it working:
1) I developed this applet which needs to run outside the sandbox
on my intranet, so whithout signing I should grant anybody of my
users to surf the Extranet granting any applet to behave as it
likes (this is not a safe way).
2) I need to sign this applet (this is the safe way), but even
after signing it following your very useful explanation I can't
get it working.

Perhaps I missed something concerning policies on the local
achine? How do I refer to my signing?
How about to pop up menu clicking on the link (thank you for the
HTML code ;-))? I find a download window,I accept downloading
then I get another one asking me for installing my crt file on
the local security cache. I can later verify the installation on
my browser: I figure among the secure sources...
Is it right?
happy to know somebody got it: great! I was hopeless before
reading this forum. I hope to get it, too.
Thank you

10 Steps to create a digital certificate and sign an applet
Author: irene67
In Reply To: 10 Steps to create a digital certificate and sign an applet
Aug 11, 2000 6:09 AM  
Reply 9 of 207
Hi ****

As mentioned, i do not use any browser's security. I use only
the plugin. This way, there's no security related code
necessary. If self-signed, the certificate needs to be imported
manually in the browser (via a normal http-link to the
certificate file). Then the plugin pops up the dialog for 'grant
once/grant ever/deny'.


10 Steps to create a digital certificate and sign an applet
Author: irene67
In Reply To: 10 Steps to create a digital certificate and sign an applet
Aug 11, 2000 6:20 AM  
Reply 10 of 207
Hi Tristan

If you use a proper certificate, the last step is not necessary.
It is only necessary, if the certificate is self-signed, because
the certificating authority is not known to your machine.

Once you've placed a link to the self-signed certificate, then
click on this link. The browser will eventually ask you wether
to open or save the file. Select 'open', then the system will
show a dialog allowing you to import this certificate as trusted.

After it is signed and the certificate has been imported as
trusted, the warning banner no longer appears and the applet
runs out of the sandbox. No action to grant permissions is

> 3) My applet is in 3 JAR's. Do I have to sign them all?

Don't know at all. I would say, the jars containing classes
which act security-related, need to be signed. But i would pack
all classes into one jar.


10 Steps to create a digital certificate and sign an applet
Author: irene67
In Reply To: 10 Steps to create a digital certificate and sign an applet
Aug 11, 2000 6:36 AM  
Reply 11 of 207
Hi Fdepe

I don't think you missed something, and you do not need to refer
to the signing. After a certificate is imported as trusted, you
should see it in the systems certificate store, between all the
big 'real' authorities ;-)

> I find a download window,I accept downloading then I get

I selected not download, but 'open', then the certificate store
was displayed and i could intall it as trusted. Rest see above.
Make sure your browser starts the plugin (you can verify this
when you enable the java console window). The plugin will
realize that the certificate in this jar is trusted, and will
pop up the dialog asking you wether to grant or not. After that,
no more security related exceptions should be possible.

Attention: for some actions (connections), the applet needs to
be loaded via http, not via file (not locally).


10 Steps to create a digital certificate and sign an applet
Author: ksrinus
In Reply To: 10 Steps to create a digital certificate and sign an applet
Aug 12, 2000 5:13 AM  
Reply 12 of 207
10 steps to create a digital cetificate and sign an applet

irene67 wrote:
>These steps describe the creation of a self-signed applet.
>This is useful for testing purposes. For use of public reachable
>there will be needed a "real" certificate issued by an authority
like VeriSign or Thawte. (See step 10 - no user will import and
trust a self-signed applet from an unkown developer).
>The applet needs to run in the plugin, as only the plugin is
platform- and browser-independent. And without this indepence, it
makes no sense to use java...
>1. Create your code for the applet as usual.
> It is not necessary to set any permissions or use security
managers in
> the code.
>2. Install JDK 1.3
> Path for use of the following commands: [jdk 1.3 path]\bin\
> (commands are keytool, jar, jarsigner)
> Password for the keystore is *any* password. Only Sun knows
> perhaps ;-)
>3. Generate key: keytool -genkey -keyalg rsa -alias tstkey
> Enter keystore password: *******
> What is your first and last name?
> [Unknown]: Your Name
> What is the name of your organizational unit?
> [Unknown]: YourUnit
> What is the name of your organization?
> [Unknown]: YourOrg
> What is the name of your City or Locality?
> [Unknown]: YourCity
> What is the name of your State or Province?
> [Unknown]: YS
> What is the two-letter country code for this unit?
> [Unknown]: US
> Is CN=Your Name, OU=YourUnit, O=YourOrg, L=YourCity,
> correct?
> [no]: yes
> (wait...)
> Enter key password for tstkey
> (RETURN if same as keystore password):
> (press [enter])
>4. Export key: keytool -export -alias tstkey -file tstcert.crt
> Enter keystore password: *******
> Certificate stored in file tstcert.crt
>5. Create JAR: jar cvf tst.jar tst.class
> Add all classes used in your project by typing the classnames
in the
> same line.
> added manifest
> adding: tst.class(in = 849) (out= 536)(deflated 36%)
>6. Verify JAR: jar tvf tst.jar
> Thu Jul 27 12:58:28 GMT+02:00 2000 META-INF/
> 68 Thu Jul 27 12:58:28 GMT+02:00 2000
> 849 Thu Jul 27 12:49:04 GMT+02:00 2000 tst.class
>7. Sign JAR: jarsigner tst.jar tstkey
> Enter Passphrase for keystore: *******
>8. Verifiy Signing: jarsigner -verify -verbose -certs tst.jar
> 130 Thu Jul 27 13:04:12 GMT+02:00 2000
> 183 Thu Jul 27 13:04:12 GMT+02:00 2000
> 920 Thu Jul 27 13:04:12 GMT+02:00 2000
> Thu Jul 27 12:58:28 GMT+02:00 2000 META-INF/
>smk 849 Thu Jul 27 12:49:04 GMT+02:00 2000 tst.class
> X.509, CN=Your Name, OU=YourUnit, O=YourOrg, L=YourCity,
> (tstkey)
> s = signature was verified
> m = entry is listed in manifest
> k = at least one certificate was found in keystore
> i = at least one certificate was found in identity
> jar verified.
>9. Create HTML-File for use of the Applet by the Sun Plugin 1.3
> (recommended to use HTML Converter Version 1.3)
>10. Place a link to the .crt file (created in step 4) in the
> This .crt file has to be opened by the browser and has to be
set to
> trusted,
> as the root CA for testing is not known to the browser. For
use with
> "real" certificates, this step should not be necessary.
>I needed two long days, to find out these steps. As the
documentation at Sun and other Sites is more confusing than
clarifying (due to the hundreds of java, plugin and browser
versions), i post the steps here. I hope that others may reach
the goal in less time ;-)
>I'm working on Microsoft platforms and did not test the steps

10 Steps to create a digital certificate and sign an applet
Author: arunmv
In Reply To: 10 Steps to create a digital certificate and sign an applet
Aug 12, 2000 2:26 PM  
Reply 13 of 207
Could you suggest a solution asap.


10 Steps to create a digital certificate and sign an applet
Author: rajagopalv
In Reply To: 10 Steps to create a digital certificate and sign an applet
Aug 14, 2000 8:28 AM  
Reply 14 of 207
I could make Netscape access my applet from the server machine,
That is, when i put the files on teh server and access Netscape
from the Server, it works fine. But when i access it from teh
clients, it gives me a Security Error.

This topic has 207 replies on 14 pages [ 1  2  3  4  5  6 | ]


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